Raja Ram Mohan Roy is the foremost leader of Indian Renaissance. He was born in 1774
In an orthodox Bengali Hindu family at a place called ’Radharpur’.  His father was employed in the Kingdom of a local Nawab this father’s name is “Ramakanth Rai” He was a precautious child he had the knowledge of Sanskrit, Bengali, Hindu Persian, Arabic, English, French, Greek and Pique.
He studied Sanskrit literature, Hindu Philosophy and Arabic and Persian.  He made a deep study of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.

He was employed in the English East India Company. He was in pursuit of a comparative study of different religions.  He thus gave up his job.
In 1817, Ram Mohan Roy started the “Atmiya Sabah” in Calcutta were he preached against social events like the caste system, sati, child marriage and untouchability.  He attacked ideal worship and polytheism
Oxen when he was 15years old, he called for preaching Monotheism.  His article, the gift to monotheism

 In Persian became famous.  He condemned priestly class and held them responsible for sacrifices, rituals and ceremonies.

In 1829,  Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the Brahma SAMAJ in Calcutta.  The Brahma Samaj stood on the twin pillars of human reason, and Vedas and Upanishads.  He thus, wanted to restore Hinduism to the position of ancient glory a society with no caste, no ideas worship, no child marriage no untouchability no sati, no priestly class and such other exile.

In the Brahma Samaj R.R.M.R Adopted the best practices of all religious. He believed in the lofty ideals of Christianity and Islam. He wrote a book called the precepts of Jesus. He thus stood for a synthesis of the east and the west.

R.R.M.R was a champion of the cause of women. He encouraged women’s education and even encouraged widow remarriage. He was in favour of English education and western sciences. He opened the Anglo Hindu College and Vedanta college were both Indian and western subjects were thought. 

He condemned the British policy free trade, duties on Indian exports and Zamindari system of land revenue collection. He even called for establishing or reforming the English Judicial system. He kept themselves abreased with all development in international field.

R.R.M.R thus had a deep love for his country and his people. He was a champion of liberty. He was the brightest star in the Indian sky in 19th century. He is rightly called as the father of modern India. He died in 1833 at “Bristol” in England. He published two journals-“the Sam band Koumudi” in Bengali and “the Mirat-ull-akbar” in Persian.


Debendranath Tagore and later Keshav Chandra Sen are the two important leaders of Brahma samaj after R.R.M.R. The teaching of the Raja was continued. However there was a split. Debendranath Tagore and his followers broke away and established the “Aadi Brahma samaj”. There was another split when Anand Mohan Bose and his followers formed the “Sadharana Brahma samaj”.


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