Simple Mathematics Questions And Answer


 1.The scientific study of beauty is called?

Answer: Aesthetics 

2.The seasonal winds of south Asia is known as .............?

 Answer: Monsoons 

3.International womens day is observed on -

Answer : March 

8 4.Pick out the incorrect singular - plural group from among the following?

     (a)Child - Children

     (b)story - series

     (c)Mouse - Mice

     (d)Wolf - wolves

Answer: Story - Series 

5.There is ............hourly bus from here to the capital ,

Answer: an

If the world inspector is coded as 123456789, what is the code of inspection?

Answer: 1234567182 

6.Who is the wrong member in the following group?

     (a) Kissy





7. IAS=538,

IAS+IFS=1136. what is IAS x IFS?

Answer: 321724 

 8.Find the missing member in the series WXYZ, VWXY...........TUVW :-

Answer: UVMX 

9.If X:Y = 5:3 What is (x+y) :(x-y)?

 Answer: 4:1

10Which number will complete the given series: 1,9,19,31,45,.....................?

       Answer: 61 11.(1.2)2 + (1.5)2=...............? 

       Answer: 0.369 12.(-1)000 =? 

       Answer: -1 13.10[2+(20-.5)x3]-10=? 

       Answer: 130 

14.A train of 100 Meters length is running at a speed of 72 km per hour. What time it take to pass a man standing at the railway track?

Answer:5 seconds 

15. Express 30 paise as the percentage of Rs.6 -


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